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Heavy Rain Kris Vallotton Pdf Download


Have you ever come up against a problem that leaves you racking your brain for a solution? Maybe you've even found yourself lying awake at night counting all the possible ways to come to a resolution. In a world where we face problems on a regular basis, whether simple and subtle or loud and large, we are all familiar with the sense of dread when they come our way. However, what if instead of dread being the first emotion that we face, we were met with excitement as we anticipated the solution from Heaven that we would receive? I'd propose that when the challenges of life come your way, you have a divine advantage! Through the redemptive power of the cross, you have not only the strength of a redeemed mind, but, you also have access to the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2). When we simply live with a redeemed mind, we disregard and disempower the ability we have to grasp solutions from Heaven and bring them to earth. What I am getting at is for a long time the Church has been really good at teaching and training Believers to think like God (Romans 12). But, we have lacked in teaching and training Believers to think God's thoughts, also known as spiritual intelligence. What does this look like? Imagine you are walking past your grumpy neighbor that is always rude to you. With a transformed mind, you feel compassion and love for this person as the Bible is clear, "Above all, love each other deeply." (1 Peter 4:8). However, when you move beyond thinking how God thinks, you can begin to access what He is thinking . In this example, you can ask the Holy Spirit to show you why your neighbor is always rude. You may begin to understand and sympathize with his disposition as the Lord shares with you: "His father was a pastor that preached one thing and lived a completely different way at home. He was abused by his father, and when he sees you, he's reminded of his father." Now, you can ask the Lord for a strategy for how you can not just help your relationship with your neighbor, but also help your neighbor heal from his past hurts. There are unique and powerful ways that the Lord speaks to each one of us, giving us access to His thoughts. In this week's episode of Cultural Catalysts, I have a conversation with Ben Armstrong. Ben is the Director of Prophetic Ministry at Bethel Church who is powerfully transforming culture as he equips and trains Believers to understand the prophetic and the ways God uniquely communicates with us. Ben shares how our dreams are an incredible avenue in which the Lord can speak, share solutions, and strategies with us. This is also a way that we can experience and develop our spiritual intelligence.


By Kris Vallotton 16 Nov, 2021

Sometimes life feels like we are all playing our own instrument in the ensemble of an orchestra; each one of us have our own tune and tone, but somehow we play to a synchronized beat in connection to the grand Conductor of it all... When suddenly the Lord decides He wants to conduct the trumpets to play a little bit louder or the strings to string a little bit slower. Suddenly a sheet of music that we are all using to play gets tossed to the side as we sit on the edge of our seat waiting for the Conductor to give us our next instruction so we stay on beat. The song that we had practiced, we knew well, and had mastered becomes a whole new melody that begins to unfold into a breathtaking symphony. Have you ever had the Lord ask you to do something that felt impossible? The kind of ask that would seemingly change everything? Maybe it was to sell everything and move to a new city, or to change careers. These moments can feel like the trumpet just blew way too loud or the strings inappropriately slowed down, but in fact the Lord is in the midst of creating a whole new symphony and it is time to pick up and start playing to the melody. For years I held a dream in my heart to be a leader in the church but was living the life of a small-town businessman with no end in sight. We had four businesses in three locations and 40 employees that depended on us, and a home we had raised our family in for over 20 years; the task to make a change was not small. But, with a word from the Lord and a confirmation given to Kathy, we began our journey to pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, Ca. It was one of those moments where suddenly the Lord was divinely orchestrating our lives even when we couldn't see how it would become something that would beautifully unfold. The journey into helping to lead a church was not easy, but the preparation in previous seasons prepared us for the process to the "promised" land. In this week's episode of Cultural Catalysts, Kathy and I conclude the series of retelling the story of where it all began by talking about our journey into church leadership and ministry school planting.


By Kris Vallotton 09 Nov, 2021

I am often asked: "Has the supernatural always been normal in your life?" It has not always been "normal" — I remember the days that the miraculous was unfamiliar, yet so evident in our lives. We did not fully understand it, but we were experiencing it and we didn't want it to end. When we moved to the small mountain town of Weaverville, California, I was in desperate need of a miracle. For years I had been in an intense emotional and mental battle; struggling to perform daily tasks without a full-blown nervous breakdown. Then one night in the midst of a panic attack I turned on the radio in hopes to distract my mind and I encountered God through a pastor ministering on the radio. He said, "Not all your thoughts are your own; you think you are crazy, but it's actually a demonic spirit." I asked God what to do in this moment and He said, "Tell the spirit of fear and insanity to leave you right now." Instantly a clear mind returned. This was one of the most powerful and transformative moments of my life. About 5 years after this encounter I began sharing my story — I realized how hungry people were to be free from the torment they were under and we always remained hungry to see more of the glory of God in our lives. In these early days of exploration and experiencing the supernatural in our lives, Bill Johnson was our pastor; he was the first person to teach us about the supernatural. I can still remember the first time I heard him tell us about receiving words of knowledge — a concept that once felt rare and revelatory has become normal and natural in our lives. Let me be clear; though these moments are "normal" they still feel incredibly extraordinary. When Heaven touches earth there is something in us that responds to the glory of God. In this week's episode of Cultural Catalysts, Kathy and I talk about the days when the supernatural became normal in our lives.


By Kris Vallotton 02 Nov, 2021

Life isn't always easy; the Vallotton family knows that first hand. There were seasons in life that were far different than we had planned. You know the kind of seasons you question if the trials you're facing will fade or if you'll see another day? From battling a nervous breakdown riddled with fear to being in a financial crisis and wondering if food would appear on the table the next day — our story is filled with perseverance and a deep rooted strength. I often look back on the seasons of life that were turbulent and treacherous and wonder if we'd be who we are today without them. In the midst of life's hardest circumstances, tenacity and endurance began to fill our bones and established roots in our family. No matter the storm that came our way our home became a cornerstone of faith — we realized there was a purpose in the pain and possibility in the problems we faced. Let me be clear, I am not saying the Lord caused trials, but He definitely used them to build our character and prepare us for the call of God on our life. In this week's episode of Cultural Catalysts Kathy and I take you back to Weaverville; the key place in our life where this hope was built, stakes of faith were put in the ground, and monumental markings in our life were formed.


By Kris Vallotton 26 Oct, 2021

Have you ever longed to be someone that makes a mark, leaves an impact, and transforms the world? Have you ever found yourself disqualifying your ability and disregarding the call of God on your life because of your current circumstances? I understand the deep desire to be a world changer; to be someone that lives filled with purpose and confident in their calling, but uncertain of how it may ever unfold. The circumstances of my past did not set me up for a life of success. I grew up in a dysfunctional home where I was abused and told how little I was worth. I did not have strong role models in my life or any sense of identity. I did not know God or have a grasp for living for something beyond myself until I was 15 years old when God met me in a moment of desperation and distress. The moment I met the Lord my world began to transform, but it did not wipe away the trials of life. I married the love of my life, Kathy Vallotton at 20 years old — quickly after I had a nervous breakdown and moved to a tiny mountain town in Northern California. We went from the bright shining lights of a big city to small town thinking and limited opportunities. Nothing about my circumstances screamed "world changer in the making," but somehow it was everything we needed in that season. Truthfully, amidst our marriage and family's treasured moments were trials and struggles that molded us and shaped us into the people we are today. It was in the everyday, mundane, even ugly moments of life that the desire rose up in me to become a cultural catalyst; someone that transformed their inner world so they can transform the world around them. I have fostered the dream in my heart to see cultural catalysts from all spheres, backgrounds, and generations to gather together and teach, equip, and inspire others to become cultural catalysts – world changers in this day and age. I am excited to announce the release of the very first episode of Cultural Catalysts — a show to teach people to live fully alive, co-labor with God, and change the world. In this first season I wanted to share a bit of Kathy and my story; take you back to where it all began and pull back the curtain of our lives. This first season encompasses so much more than our story, but how history has become HIS tory.


By Kris Vallotton 15 Oct, 2021

Courage has not always been a friend of mine; we had a relationship held in tension, I wanted to be courageous but fear had a strong influence in my life. But, I have seen the Lord take my weakness and make them my strength. The very things that used to riddle me with fear and taunt me with despair were enemies that turned into allies. On days when my courage tank was nearing the end, they were fuel to my fire. Seasons in my life were plagued with the scheme of the enemy, battles in the night, motivation laid dormant, and terror tormented me as I fought the enemy. If I allowed my feelings to dictate my destiny I would still be lying on the couch crippled with fear, but I began to put up a fight and tell the dogs of doom that stood at the door of my destiny where my faith lied. When courage was hard to find I began to write a list of all the things I was thankful for and the things I feared that never came to pass. It's crazy what I began to realize — so often the name changed, but the fear remained the same. As I began to recount the times God showed up in my life the fear that was keeping me from taking my stone and conquering the giant began to subside. I'd propose courage is not the absence of fear, but that it's the fear that has said its prayers. The truth is, sometimes the most courageous ones are simply the ones that do not bow their head to fear. Fear is a powerful weapon of the enemy, if he can convince us that we are smaller and more insignificant than we are, we lose sight of the times God has worked a miracle in our lives. Consider the life of David; a small adolescent boy went to battle with a sling and a stone and was convinced it was possible to slay the giant, not out of ignorance, but because he recounted the ways God had used him before. He remembered the lion and the bear he had fought that had prepared him for this war. 1 Samuel 17: 34-36 says: "But David said to Saul, "Your servant was tending his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and took a sheep from the flock, I went out after it and attacked it, and rescued the sheep from its mouth; and when it rose up against me, I grabbed it by its mane and struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, since he has defied the armies of the living God." This shows us the power of our testimony. I'd propose the lions and bears we face are the very thing God is using to prepare us for our victory, for the next season, or for our destiny. In this week's vlog I share how to find courage and how courage is vital in every Believer's life.


By Kris Vallotton 08 Oct, 2021

There is more of God available than most people have experienced. Maybe you have even found yourself feeling disconnected and desperate to be plugged back into His presence. So often Christians live with finite understanding and fixed experience of the nearness of the Father. But, the truth is He sent His son in order to live in perfect relationship with us. He is not a distant God sitting on a Heavenly throne with pillars and palaces in the way; He is closer than your very breath waiting and pursuing you relentlessly. This past week I had the privilege of sitting down for a conversation with Leslie Crandall , a Senior Leader at Bethel and the BSSM 1st year Senior Overseer. Leslie's heart beats for intimacy with God and her passion to see others experience His presence spills out in every room she walks into. Her life is an anthem that beats to the nearness of God's presence. Leslie shared a brief message on developing intimacy with God that I wanted to share with you this week: I have known the Lord from the young age of five. I grew up in a conservative Christian environment that valued the knowledge of God; I quickly adopted a daily devotional time with the Lord from the age of 13. Even with a beautiful devotion to the Lord I found myself wrapped in the belief that I had to show God how hungry I was in order for Him to show up. I would find myself in "dry" seasons unable to hear the voice of God and searching for His closeness. It wasn't until I was in high school that I had revelation of the presence of God — until I realized I did not have to prove my hunger for Him in order to experience His love. John 15 says: "I am the vine and My Father is the vinedresser….I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." We are always connected; even when we feel disconnected there is not actually disconnection. Our Father is the Gardener, He is in constant pursuit and the one stewarding intimacy with us.


By Kris Vallotton 01 Oct, 2021

Has your heart longed for an encounter; a moment where God walks on the scene and radically changes everything? We hear the terms "God encounters" or "encountering the Holy Spirit" often in our environment — they have been a part of the Bethel culture from the start. The word encounter has been a word used to try to explain the experience we have as believers when the Holy Spirit touches us and impacts our lives. But, I want to challenge you, have encounters become glorified moments and grand monuments in our lives? Have we limited encountering God to a physical manifestation and ignored the work He has done on the inside? The danger with the word encounter occurs when we ascribe it to one kind of event — when we limit the power of God to our personal history and our own preferred understanding. When we trap the power of God in our preferred comfortability and popular conformity we forget we serve a God far larger than the encounters we see happen in the sanctuary on Sundays. For years I questioned if I was truly encountering God, because I saw others around me experiencing the Lord through what seemed to be powerful encounters. They would fall down, be slain in the Spirit, and roll over in uncontrollable laughter, but this wasn't the way God encountered me. I did not experience physical manifestations or uncontrollable emotions. But, the truth is I have encountered God ever since I have been saved; He has met me and ministered to me in ways beyond physical manifestations of His grace. I understand the shame you can feel when your encounters don't "look" the same, but I would challenge you to adjust your view and become aware you are living under an open Heaven and you were made for the Presence of God; He is eager to encounter you! In this week's video blog Hayley Braun joined me to discuss encountering God. Hayley is a Senior Leader at Bethel Church and the Associate Overseer of BSSM online .


By Kris Vallotton 24 Sep, 2021

Have you ever been faced with a problem that feels impossible to solve? The kind that grieves your heart, brings worry to your mind, and leaves you lying awake as you think of all the ways there could be resolve? There are problems that feel miles deep and cycles that feel generations long that leave even the experts left uncertain of how to move along. I'd propose even with our best effort and intent we will not solve the world's most pressing problems if we limit our thinking to earthly thoughts. If you have been on the earth for much time at all you have probably faced a few challenging circumstances. Challenges can wear us out, and drag us down, but I would propose that God uses the challenges in our lives to prepare us for our divine destiny! In the Kingdom of God ashes turn to beauty and takes our challenges and turns them to victories. The challenge is many Believers feel dismayed because they don't realize the power they have access to. It is clear that we must be aware of where the problem is coming from. What I am getting at is there is a first, second, and third Heaven. In Genesis 1 the first Heaven was created — this is the visible world, the dimensions that our five senses are acutely tuned in to. Then we see mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12:2 that Paul was taken up to the third Heaven. Paul reveals through his own spiritual experience that there is a third heaven two levels above our earthly experience and one level above the spiritual realm. This leaves us with a mention of the first and third Heaven, so what does the second Heaven entail? In Ephesians 6:12 we know " our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against spiritual forces of wickedness in the Heavenly places. " Notice that the apostle Paul said that there are evil forces in heavenly places. Let's be clear: There are no demonic, satanic or evil forces in the third heaven. Thus, we call this realm from which Satan rules the second heaven. We are not going to solve a first heaven problem that was caused by second heaven devils, without taking our third heaven seat. Ephesians 2:4 says that we have been seated in heavenly places. But, so often we get stuck on first Heaven problems without seeking third Heaven solutions. It is time to adjust our thinking, grab hold of our authority in Christ, and lean into the solution available to us as Believers. Many Christians have a third Heaven experience where the impossible becomes possible as God busts through the door and lays His divine hand on the situation; paving the way for a miracle, curing the illness before our eyes, or opening doors that were bolted shut in our lives. The challenge is, when we come up against another impossible situation, we sometimes forget the eternal power that changed everything! For example, one day we experience the supernatural power of God in our lives; we see him feed the 5,000, heal the leper, raise the dead and the next day we are panicked trying to solve all our problems in our own strength. But, what if third heaven solutions were our first line of defense? Fear keeps us on our earthly seat, but faith places us on our Heavenly throne. What if problems became our faith builders and terrible situations increased our strength? I encourage you to watch this week's video blog as I share further about the first, second, third Heaven, and how as Believers we can access Heavenly solutions.


By Kris Vallotton 17 Sep, 2021

There are certain topics and conversations that the Church has often pushed under the rug or whispered about in a corner. Sexuality is one of these topics that is often disregarded and avoided in the Church. Yet, I feel it is vitally important that the Body of Christ brings clarity and truth to a subject that the world has perverted and religion has shamed for far too long. This past weekend, we uploaded an old teaching that I shared with School of Worship students from 2014 to my YouTube channel. Someone who I do not know created a short, 57-second video using select soundbites from that teaching, and posted the clip on social media. Understandably, anyone who saw that short video would be confused as the full context was completely missing. My team took down the original video from YouTube so that we could review it. We felt led to further address the topic of sexual purity and bring clarity to this teaching, as well as address some of the concerns and feedback we received. In this video, I address the topic of sexual purity with my wife Kathy Vallotton and the Directors of Moral Revolution , Cole and Caitlin Zick. In this video, you'll find a conversation and clarification I wanted to share with you. This is a complicated topic that I am extremely passionate about! My heart is to bring freedom to people and break shame off of the topic of sexuality. I have been teaching about healthy sexuality for decades — and wrote the book and founded the organization Moral Revolution to help bring clarity and promote God's original design for sexuality.

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